2500 Gallon Water Tank

FAQ: Can 2500 gallon water tanks fit in tight spaces?

2500 gallon water tankQuestion: I am looking for four 2500 gallon water tanks that I can use to store water in tight places. I will be using this for water storage in my area to help provide a suitable supply in case of droughts. I was looking at your collapsible tanks, would this be a suitable tank for this type of application?

Answer: Thank you for contacting us! The Collapsible Water Bladder Tank is a excellent choice for the type of application you have described. One of the best advantages of the collapsible tank is its low profile. This has helped to allow for several gallons of liquid to be stored in unique locations such as under decks, in basements, and in crawl spaces located around your facility.

This water storage bladder has often been used for rainwater collection and can easily connect to hoses
or pipes to help pump or supply your water to needed locations.

If you have questions about products, give us a call at 1-863-261-8388 or request a price quote.


  • above ground water storage tanksCapacities: The flexible tank offers a wide range of capacities with standard sizes from 130 to 250,000 gallons. This has allowed customers to store the exact capacity required for their location.
  • Fabric: Depending on the type of water you are intended to store, tanks will be constructed with materials that will best match your storage. If your tank will be used for drinking water, these tanks will be made with FDA or NSF 61 approved fabrics.
  • Low Profile: The collapsible tank typically features a low profile that allows the tank to be stored in small spaces.
  • Fittings: Standard fittings for this tank are 3/4" through 2" and can be equipped with camlock, storz or threaded fittings to accommodate hoses.
  • Dimensions: For approximately 2500 gallons of water, the closest standard sizing would be the 2600 gallon tank which has a filled size of fifteen feet in length, eleven feet in width and just over two feet in height (15' L x 11' W by 2.1' H).

    Again, if you require a tank that is specifically 2500 gallons or if you require a tank with different dimensions, please don't hesitate to ask. These tanks are highly flexible and can be used in various storage locations.

These 2500 gallon water tanks have been used for various types of water storage including the storage of drinking water, rain water, water for sprinkler systems, process water, and even waste water.

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If you have questions about products, give us a call at 1-863-261-8388 or request a price quote.